In the waters of baptism, we receive the grace of God in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
During the anointing with chrism oil, we are set apart as members of the Body of Christ. The white garment signifies that we are washed clean from sin. A baptism candle is lit from the paschal candle to remind us that Christ is the light of the world.
Baptism challenges us to allow Christ’s light to shine through us. When we become children of God, this means God the Father commands us to pray and work together side-by-side. We do not serve to earn God’s love, but rather to say “thank you” to God who first created and loved us.
Parents or guardians can request baptism on behalf of children up to 7 years old using the Baptism Registration Form. The Parish Office or a priest will contact you to schedule a baptism preparation class.
Older children and adults who wish to be baptized will receive 1st Communion and Confirmation at the same time, usually during Easter Vigil. Children can register for CCD on Sunday mornings. Teens or adults should register for RCIA, or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This series of classes and prayer experiences is designed to prepare adults to become full members of the church.
At any age, the person to be baptized needs a Catholic godparent/sponsor. Catholic Godparents should complete the Sacramental Sponsorship Form. Non-Catholic adults can serve as a Christian witness to the baptism.
The Holy Eucharist
The Holy Eucharist is the heart and summit of the Church’s life.
The gift of the Eucharist is offered at each of our Masses.
Children must participate in at least two years of religious education to prepare for 1st reconciliation and 1st communion (usually in 1st & 2nd grades). Additional meetings and retreats help families understand more about the sacraments. Registration typically starts in August and September. You can contact the Parish Office to join mid-year if you are enrolling as a new or returning parishioner.
Baptized adults who wish the receive 1st Eucharist can register for RCIA, or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. The RCIA process prepares adults to become full members of the Church, typically receiving both 1st Communion and Confirmation during Easter Vigil.
Catholic adults who wish to return to receive the Eucharist after leaving the Church should first participate in Reconciliation. If you need to have your marriage validated or annulled, please see our information on Marriage.
Reconciliation is an experience of the gift of God’s boundless mercy.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays at 9:00 am at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Community Center.
Communal celebrations occur during Advent and Lent.
Children must participate in at least two years of religious education to prepare for 1st reconciliation and 1st communion (usually in 1st & 2nd grades). Additional meetings and retreats help families understand more about the sacraments. Registration typically starts in August and September. You can contact the Parish Office to join mid-year if you are enrolling as a new or returning parishioner.
“When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit.” -Acts 2:1,4
Confirmation marks the beginning of full participation in the Catholic Church, as a sign that the candidate has matured in body and soul.
During preparation, candidates will:
- confirm their baptismal promises,
- complete service activities in the parish and community,
- choose a Catholic sponsor as a mentor in faith,
- select a Saint for a Confirmation name and prayer partner, and
- regularly participate in Eucharist and Reconciliation.
At Confirmation, the Bishop anoints candidates with chrism to seal them with the gift of the Holy Spirit. The seven gifts of the Spirit (wisdom, knowledge, understanding, piety, wonder, counsel, and fortitude) equip the Confirmed to become missionaries in the name of Jesus Christ and spread the Good News.
Children must participate in two years of religious education to prepare for confirmation, typically in 7th & 8th grades. Additional meetings and retreats help families understand more about the sacraments. Registration typically starts in August and September. You can contact the Parish Office to join mid-year if you are enrolling as a new or returning parishioner.
Through marriage, couples witness Christ’s spousal love for the Church.
Engaged couples must make arrangements with a parish nine months in advance before a wedding date is set. Couples must register in a parish and must participate in marriage preparation classes or counseling sessions.
Please download and complete the forms from the Diocese of Youngstown for pre-marriage and/or marriage invalidation. These can be submitted to the Parish Office to start the counseling process.
Anointing of the Sick
Jesus came to heal the whole person, body and soul.
Contact the parish office at (440) 992-0330 to arrange for a priest to visit those who are sick at home or in the hospital, and want to be anointed.
Communion is taken to the sick, the homebound, and the elderly in their homes when requested.
Holy Orders

Ordination is always a call and a gift from God. Are you called to be a “fisher of men”?
Deacons and priests serve the church in a special role through Holy Orders. The first step in discerning your vocation is to consider the charism, or gift, that God has given you.
Our parish prays in a special way for our priests, deacons, and those in formation.
Please contact the Diocese of Youngstown Vocations Office for more information on:
Devotion to the religious life is a vow to a life of community, prayer, and service.
If you believe God may be calling you to consecrate your life as religious brother or sister, please contact the Diocese of Youngstown Vocations Office for more information on: