
Our Lady of Peace is pleased to welcome new additions to our parish community. Congratulations and may God’s blessings continue to fall upon your growing family!

“Since parents have conferred life on their children, they must be acknowledged as the first and foremost educators of their children.” (Decree on Religious Education, Second Vatican Council). In light of Vatican II, eligibility for celebrating sacraments at St. Paul Parish hinges on parental involvement in a catechetical process preceding each sacrament.

In presenting their child for baptism, parents are asked to spend some time reflecting on the value of sacraments in general, on baptism in particular, on their role as parents, and on the significance of the Catholic Christian Community in their lives.


    We ask that both parents attend a parish pre-baptismal class. The class is facilitated by one of our parish deacons and a baptismal team couple. During class we explore the meaning of faith and sacraments, with a special focus on baptism. We provide the baptismal arrangement forms, and answer any questions regarding procedures. The forms will be filled out and collected during this meeting.

    Parents who have attended the pre-baptism class within the past five years are not required to attend another class. However, they are welcome to attend. These parents may fill out the baptismal arrangement form from this page. The form should be completed at least one month prior to the baptism.

    Parents must be registered in the parish. They should practice their Catholic faith and worship weekly with the parish community. They should recommit themselves to the gospel of Jesus and give good example to their children.

    Those desiring baptism at St. Paul Parish who are not members of St. Paul Church, need a letter of permission from the pastor of the church in which they are currently registered. The letter should state their membership and participation.  


    n reflecting on whom to choose for godparents, remember that this is not only a ceremonial role on the day of baptism, but a serious life-long commitment to support the parents in bringing up the child as a Catholic Christian.

    The role of a sponsor/godparent is to help the baptized lead a Christian life in harmony with baptism and to fulfill faithfully, the obligations connected with it (Canon 872).

    Only one male or one female sponsor or one of each sex is to be employed (Canon 873). A sponsor must have completed the sixteenth year; be a Catholic who has been confirmed; be one who has already received the Sacrament of Eucharist; and who lives a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be taken. He/she may not be the father or the mother of the baptized (Canon 874).

    One of the sponsors may be a baptized person who belongs to a non-Catholic ecclesiastic community. He/she may serve as a Christian Witness to the baptism together with a Catholic sponsor (Canon 874).


    Pre-baptism classes are held the second Tuesday of the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December at 7:00 p.m. in the parish social hall. Please call or email the parish office to sign up for the class. 330-499-2201


    Baptisms are held the third Sunday of each month at 1:00 p.m.  Families are asked to arrive at the church no later than 12:45 p.m. Prayers and blessings will take place as a group. As each child is baptized, parents, family and guests will gather around the baptismal font. Please schedule your baby’s baptism by contacting the parish office. 330-499-2201

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