Saturday: 4:30pm
Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00pm (Spanish)
Monday, Thursday, Friday: 8:00am
Tuesday: 7:00pm
Tuesday: 7:30am
Saturday: 9:00am
Other: By Appointment
Every Friday During Lent
March 7,14,21,28
April 4,11
From 4pm-7pm
Our Lady of Peace Community Center
Fridays during Lent
6:00 pm English
7:15 pm Spanish
March 7,14,21,28
April 4, 11
Every Friday During Lent
March 7,14,21,28
April 4,11
From 4pm-7pm
Our Lady of Peace Community Center
Fridays during Lent
6:00 pm English
7:15 pm Spanish
March 7,14,21,28
April 4, 11
Our Lady of Peace Parish is a community of deeply committed Catholics, living the Gospel by worshiping regularly, praying often, and serving others. Assisting our diverse community in their spiritual, sacramental, and faith formation is paramount to us, as we seek to live the ecclesial ideals of stewardship, and giving of all that we have to God, others, and the needy.
3312 Lake Avenue, Ashtabula, OH 44004 • (440) 992-0330
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